Valerio Onida, former president of the Constitutional Court and Giuliano Pisapia, a lawyer, a former member of the Communist Refoundation.
If I vote, I would not have the slightest doubt as to give my preference to Stefano Boeri because Milan needs in view of the Expo to a person who knows what to do, do not forget that the Boers realized Masterplan Expo. The greatest chance for Milan to be led by someone who knows where to put their hands to put it quite raw. Then I hope that, once elected, Stefano Tito convince his brother to make assessor budget, possibly as external Milan, as well, would see their money well managed!
I think the Democratic Party has chosen the best person, I hope everything is united around the party to allow him to Stephen a good statement in the primaries in November.
Andrea Scampini - Councillor PD
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