Every day we happen to read a book, watch a movie, surf the internet, play music and enjoy a varied range of activities. You can well to note that when we dedicate ourselves to these, for example when we read a book, happen to associate a color to its content according to the sensation we feel, but also combine with numerous images that come to mind when we do trample reading. That link, that is 'object-color', which leads to the production of sensations, is due to what is commonly called 'perception'. First we must clarify 'What is perception?'
Perception is a mental process that transforms sensory data into forms with meaning, around this topic have been made Several studies in the psychological, philosophical and medical.
The color perception involves an act of secondary and tertiary mental, built over the physiological process. The interior color palette depends not only on our perception of the exterior colors, but also by our specific way of revisiting the same emotionally. This is all due to an approach to 'psychological' which just puts in the foreground the personal biography rather than the cultural events.
visual perception is thanks to the brain and the brain itself is certainly a perception of "virtual" as our thoughts and our imagination and, as such, can lead to different emotional responses and psychological attitudes. All these feelings are defined as 'visual perception' are held in various locations in the cerebral cortex.
The perception of color is formulated in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe brain caused by the action of photons on the cones, which are the two key components of the color representation that takes place every day in our brain. But we must remember that any kind of feeling you get in the process of perception is personal!
Why are we so attracted to the color? Simple, because we love them. Marketers leverage this because, color, acting on the subconscious level by stimulating the desire of satisfying a need. It is a constant of our lives and is a potential (and powerful) tool for psychological act on the human mind. a constant of our lives and is a potential (and powerful) tool for psychological act on the human mind and marketers have figured this out right!
The color, in particular, is used by a company (whether it be a studio or a supermarket) as a vector of attention, ie, as the visual element that allows the almost automatic capture of attention.

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