Monday, January 10, 2011

Winsin Y Yandel Jackets

agreement between unions and supermarkets Unes

A model to be taken as an example for the whole region. And 'as resulting from the agreement between experimental narrow CGIL, CISL, UIL and Milan Unes Supermarkets under which the redundant workers will be allowed or are laid off to go shopping with discounts of 5%, and other promotions at some stores to teach Unes and U2.

The agreement applies only to common Paderno Dugnano, Settimo Milanese and Operations Phone, but if retailers and Lombardy Region commitments, it could extend this model to the whole of Lombardy and other retail chains .

I believe it is in Magnago U2 this, we could hear what you think.

Andrea Scampini

City Council Pd


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