Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cell Bright Ume Update

School: Passion Week

In Lombardy the school officially began Monday, September 13, and like every year things are not yet all in place. In my article I do not want to address the Reform Gelmini, who so far has led to reductions in crazy amounts to over 8 billion euro, as required by the person who holds the purse strings, that Tremonti.

I want to focus, instead, the focus on who is waiting to be seen given the Chair, and at the same time on those (students) that gave free rein to the imagination, thinking about who will occupy the chair empty. Colosio had assured the superintendent that September 13 would be assigned all the chairs, so it was not. After the first official convocation of the superintendency, in these days following the convening of the so-called code, that is, those who have chosen as a second home a school board, ad. example, the Superintendency of Milan, which always offers interesting job opportunities.

After the call queue, the word will go to the principals for the allocation of seats still vacant. If all goes well, by next week we should be fully operational. Hold on and hope the phone rings.

Andrea Scampini - Councillor PD


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